
Spreading intelligence capabilities among different layers of a wearable computing system architectural stack, promoting “on-device” solutions. FPGAs can accelerate the execution of the AI and ML models by mapping their timing critical cores on parallel hardware, whereas the remaining, low-priority tasks can be dynamically demanded either to a microcontroller, to a general purpose processor or to remote backends, in the light of a computing continuum.


Formed by the University of Calabria, ICAR-CNR, and the University of Bari, the consortium has been carefully built to cohesively tackle all the peculiarities of the project!


The source code and documentation for our project will be available for free download on open repositories.

The project pillars

COCOWEARS is a framework for engineering next-generation WCS grounded on 3 pillars: (1) sound theoretical foundations, (2) tailored Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, and (3) development tools.

Our team

Raffaele Gravina

University of Calabria

Antonio Guerrieri


Gianvito Pio

University of Bari

Claudio Savaglio

University of Calabria

Gianluca Aloi

University of Calabria

Fabio Frustaci

University of Calabria

Francesco Porreca

University of Calabria

Latest news


October 28th, 2023 : Our official website is online!


October 6th, 2023 : Official launch of the project with kick-off meeting (online)!


September 28th, 2023 : Official start of the COCOWEARS Project!

Contact us!

r DOT gravina AT dimes DOT unical DOT it

This project, funded by the European Union – Next Generation EU, is supported by the Italian MUR, PRIN 2022 Project “COCOWEARS” (A framework for COntinuum COmputing WEARable Systems),  n. 2022T2XNJE, CUP: H53D23003640006.