120 entries « 2 of 2 »


P Panuccio; H Ghasemzadeh; G Fortino; R Jafari

Power-aware action recognition with optimal sensor selection: An AdaBoost driven distributed template matching approach Conference

2011, (cited By 8).

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A Augimeri; G Fortino; M R Rege; V Handziski; A Wolisz

A cooperative approach for handshake detection based on body sensor networks Conference

2010, (cited By 18).

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G Fortino; R Gravina; A Guerrieri; F Aiello; F Bellifemine

An agent-based signal processing in-node environment for real-time human activity monitoring based on wireless body sensor network Inproceedings

1st International Workshop on Infrastructures and Tools for Multiagent Systems (ITMAS 2010), 2010.


R Gravina; A Andreoli; A Salmeri; L Buondonno; N Raveendranathan; V Loseu; R Giannantonio; E Seto; G Fortino

Enabling multiple BSN applications using the SPINE framework Inproceedings

IEEE International Conference on Body Sensor Networks (BSN 2010), pp. 228–233, IEEE 2010.


G Fortino; S Galzarano; R Giannantonio; R Gravina; A Guerrieri

SPINE-based application development on heterogeneous wireless body sensor networks Journal Article

International Journal of Computing, 9 (1), pp. 80–89, 2010, ISSN: 1727-6209.


A Andreoli; R Gravina; R Giannantonio; P Pierleoni; G Fortino

SPINE-HRV: A BSN-based toolkit for heart rate variability analysis in the time-domain Incollection

Wearable and Autonomous Biomedical Devices and Systems for Smart Environment, pp. 369–389, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2010.

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A Andreoli; R Gravina; R Giannantonio; P Pierleoni; G Fortino

Time-domain heart rate variability analysis with the spine-hrv toolkit Inproceedings

ACM 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Technologies related to Assistive Environments (PETRA 2010), pp. 57, ACM 2010.


E Seto; E Martin; A Yang; P Yan; R Gravina; I Lin; C Wang; M Roy; V Shia; R Bajcsy

Opportunistic strategies for lightweight signal processing for body sensor networks Inproceedings

ACM 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Technologies related to Assistive Environments (PETRA 2010), pp. 56, ACM 2010.


G Fortino; V Giampà

PPG-based methods for non invasive and continuous blood pressure measurement: An overview and development issues in body sensor networks Conference

2010, (cited By 51).

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G Fortino; S Galzarano

Programming Wireless Body Sensor Network applications through agents Conference

621 , 2010, (cited By 1).

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R Giannantonio; R Gravina; P Kuryloski; VP Seppa; F Bellifemine; J Hyttinen; M Sgroi

Performance analysis of an activity monitoring system using the SPINE framework Inproceedings

IEEE 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth 2009), pp. 1–8, IEEE 2009.


F L Bellifemine; G Fortino

ASPINE: An agent-oriented design of SPINE Conference

2009, (cited By 2).

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N Raveendranathan; V Loseu; E Guenterberg; R Giannantonio; R Gravina; M Sgroi; R Jafari

Implementation of virtual sensors in body sensor networks with the SPINE framework Inproceedings

IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES'09), pp. 124–127, IEEE 2009.


Giancarlo Fortino; Antonio Guerrieri; Fabio Bellifemine; Roberta Giannantonio

Platform-independent development of collaborative wireless body sensor network applications: SPINE2 Inproceedings

Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2009. SMC 2009. IEEE International Conference on, pp. 3144–3150, IEEE 2009.


Giancarlo Fortino; Antonio Guerrieri; Fabio L Bellifemine; Roberta Giannantonio

SPINE2: developing BSN applications on heterogeneous sensor nodes Inproceedings

Industrial Embedded Systems, 2009. SIES'09. IEEE International Symposium on, pp. 128–131, IEEE 2009.


P Kuryloski; A Giani; R Giannantonio; K Gilani; R Gravina; VP Seppa; E Seto; V Shia; C Wang; P Yan; A Yang; J Hyttinen; S Sastry; S Wicker; R Bajcsy

DexterNet: An open platform for heterogeneous body sensor networks and its applications Inproceedings

6th International Workshop on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN 2009), pp. 92–97, IEEE 2009.


L Buondonno; G Fortino; S Galzarano; R Giannantonio; A Giordano; R Gravina; A Guerrieri

Programming signal processing applications on heterogeneous wireless sensor platforms Inproceedings

IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications (IDAACS 2009), pp. 682–687, IEEE 2009.



S Iyengar; Tempia F Bonda; R Gravina; A Guerrieri; G Fortino; A Sangiovanni-Vincentelli

A framework for creating healthcare monitoring applications using wireless body sensor networks Inproceedings

3rd International Conference on Body Area Networks (BodyNets'08), pp. 8, ICST 2008.


R Gravina; A Guerrieri; S Iyengar; Tempia F Bonda; R Giannantonio; F Bellifemine; T Pering; M Sgroi; G Fortino; A Sangiovanni-Vincentelli

Demo abstract: Spine (signal processing in node environment) framework for healthcare monitoring applications in body sensor networks Miscellaneous



R Gravina; A Guerrieri; G Fortino; F Bellifemine; R Giannantonio; M Sgroi

Development of Body Sensor Network applications using SPINE. Inproceedings

IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2008), pp. 2810–2815, 2008.


120 entries « 2 of 2 »