B-HandDS (BSN-enabled Handshake Detection System) is a handshake detection system based on a SPINE-enabled BSN that is composed of a mobile base station (BS) and a wrist-wearable, 3-axial accelerometer-equipped wireless sensor node.
The nodes communicate with the base station only when a potential handshake-like movement is detected. Moreover, the sampling on the sensor node is activated only when people (BSNs) in sufficient proximity of each other exchange the networking data. The potential handshake-like classification algorithm execute on the node side while the collaborative true handshake detection is performed on the mobile BS and fuses the results from the on-node classifiers.

Reference paper
A. Augimeri, G. Fortino, M. R. Rege, V. Handziski and A. Wolisz, “A cooperative approach for handshake detection based on body sensor networks,” 2010 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Istanbul, 2010, pp. 281-288, doi: 10.1109/ICSMC.2010.5641696.